I have been waiting a year to introduce the Thankful Tree to Keira and I was so happy when November finally arrived! I got the idea for this from a friend of mine (thanks EP!) and now that we have done it this year, I hope to do it again every year!
Basically, the idea is simple: talk about things you're thankful for, write those things on the leaves, and place the leaves on the tree! The concept of "thankfulness" is a bit abstract for Keira, but as we've continued to talk about this throughout the month, I think she may be starting to get it! Today, when I asked her, "What do we say to someone who gives us something that makes us really happy?" She thought for a second and said, "Thank you!" Then, when I asked, "What are some things that make you really happy and thankful?" and she was able to say, "Love Elmo" and then she proceeded to name the other stuffed animals that she sleeps with (This was an improvement from looking around the room and naming items in sight, such as stairs, door, etc.)! :)
Here are some pictures...
Keira helping build the tree

Let's put on a leaf

What are you thankful for?

Wow, the collection of leaves is growing!
My thankful little girl
(notice the "smile")
These are some things Keira is thankful for:
Happy Thanksgiving!!
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