Last weekend we had a special treat when Nana came to visit for the long 3-day weekend. The day before she arrived, Keira kept saying, "I guess what, Mommy? Nana is coming over our house!" She was so excited!! Keira got to spend lots of one-on-one time with her Nana, Mommy got a break (yeah!), and we had lots of family time together too.
One of the great things about Nanas is that they'll let you do funny things, like put silly hats on their heads!

Thanks, Nana, for the new book!

Let's make Willy (Nana's dog)!!

There's Willy, eating his dog food

On Saturday, it was rainy and cold, so we went to The New Children's Museum downtown for some indoor fun!

Flipping light switches is the best!

Let's build a tower!

Concentrating very hard

This was some sort of shadow-box room.
Not too exciting, but it made for some cool pictures!

Drawing on the chalk wall

Placing her sticker as high as possible!
Thanks for the boost, Daddy!

The girls

The climbing wall was super fun!

More, more, more!

Peek-a-boo, Nana!

Where'd you go, Nana?

After 3 hours of playing, do I look tired to you?
Not a chance!!

Dear Nana,
Thanks for the fun weekend!
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