We have basically made the conclusion that Keira's favorite color is blue. Whenever she has the option to make a color choice for something, she always tends to pick blue. When we were at a friend's birthday party, she got to choose a ball to take home and she picked the blue one...when we were at a restaurant and she got to pick a balloon, she chose the blue one. You get the picture.
So, yesterday morning Noah was going through his closet to select a shirt to wear with his black dress pants and jacket. Normally, he doesn't have a reason to dress so formally (well, what we would consider formal anyway!), but he was preparing to attend a special ceremony at church as the event photographer.
Noah tried on a tan shirt while Keira curiously watched the process unfold. Apparently, she saw several other shirts in the closet and said "blue one" as she tugged on the sleeve. Noah pulled it out and asked, "Do you want me to wear the blue one?" "Yes!" she said. He tried it on and she seemed happy with the result.
Of course, what Dad is going to disagree with this type of request from his sweet 2-year-old little girl?!
Looking good, Daddy!

P.S. I will be finishing the Hawaii posts soon! Just had to throw in this cute story! :)
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