This has been a busy week for us and we've experienced many exciting "firsts!" Today (Thurs), Noah started back to school, which isn't really exciting in itself, except that this is his 2nd to last quarter until he is officially completely done with school--yippee! On Wednesday, it was the first day of MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers), which I am co-coordinating this year. It has been a crazy few weeks as we've been preparing for the kickoff this week and I am happy to report that the first day went exceptionally well!
Probably, the most exciting event for me as a mom took place on Tuesday when Keira and I started her Mommy & Me preschool class at a local Christian preschool! And now, for the pictures...

After we went inside, we had a large group activity with a welcome song and a few other songs and then it was time for free play! There were stations/activities set out all around the room and Keira had so much fun exploring everything!
First stop: the play-doh table!
At the end of class, we did more large group activities, such as singing, dancing, instruments, etc.
Overall, the morning was super fun! It was really great because I was able to tell Keira on the way over that she was going to school and that Mommy was going to be with her. So, once we arrived, she initially seemed to be a little apprehensive, but as I reassured her that I was going to stay at school with her, she relaxed a lot and was really able to participate in a lot of activities and she seemed to really enjoy herself! I am so glad we signed up for this program and I am excited to see the learning and growth that takes place for Keira. We are not sure if we'll send her to a drop-off preschool after she turns 3; if we do, this will be a great stepping stone for that and if we don't, this will be a great time of enrichment for both of us!
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