A huge highlight of this Christmas season was getting to see so many special friends!! We are so thankful for all the wonderful friends we have, especially those who we don't get to see very often because we live so far away from each other.
Here we are with the Short family. They used to live in SD, but moved to Tennessee about 4 years ago. I was "best pals" with Caleb (their oldest son) when he was an infant/toddler and now he is 6.5 years old! We had a great time having them over for dinner and meeting their newest addition, Eli, who they recently adopted from Ethiopia.

During our stay at Noah's mom's house, we got to hangout with the Sluis family, long-time family friends (Noah and Ben have known each other since they were babies!). Here we are with families of our own now! Keira and Isabel are about 1.5 months apart!


Another special friend gathering was the annual Humboldt mini-reunion! We had so much fun having dinner together and introducing our kids to each other. These are some pretty special people, so it's always fun to get together with them and catch up!

The next generation of Humboldt alumni...?

There were other friends we saw that we didn't get pictures with (unfortunately). And, of course, there were lots of other friends we didn't get to see this year too. We're already looking forward to spending time with our friends (new & old!) in the year to come!!
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