We had such a wonderful Christmas this year! Although it was a bit hectic returning from our Orlando trip with having only a few days to unpack, do laundry, clean, re-pack, and get in the car for another week-long trip! Despite the hectic travel schedule, we had a great time visiting family and friends and building new memories with Keira!
Before we left, we exchanged our gifts to each other

Keira knew exactly what to do!

Priceless smile!

Helping Daddy open his present!

Too bad he already knew what was inside!

Gift certificate for a facial = happy Mama!

On our way up north, we stayed overnight with my aunt and uncle.
That morning, Keira got to open more presents!
That morning, Keira got to open more presents!

Look at Keira's face-so cute!

Keira and her great-aunt Sue
Twins in their Christmas red!
Twins in their Christmas red!

In the afternoon on Christmas Eve, we went to my mom's for lunch and Keira got to open MORE presents!

Cool shades!

New musical coloring set

More accessories for the camera!

A flat-iron--sweeeeeet!

Grandpa Sandy, aka puppydaddy

Keira's gift to Grammy

Some fresh air after all the festivities

Keira's dream come true--she absolutely LOVES dogs and always wants to snuggle with them and lay on them, but she never gets the chance. Lucky for her, Cheyenne is old, fat, and gentle, so Keira got to roll around all over her and Cheyenne never flinched!

We spent Christmas morning (and a few days after) with Noah's family in Davis.
Here is our Christmas Santa, ready to pass out gifts!
Here is our Christmas Santa, ready to pass out gifts!

Bed-heads and jammies, ready to open stockings!

Then, time for our traditional Christmas morning breakfast--sausage & egg casserole and pecan rolls...Mmmmmm!

This picture says it all: Keira was more excited about passing out all the gifts than actually opening them!

Laura got something cool

And so did Jonathan

Nana's gift from Keira

Blu-Ray on the National Parks--a winner!

Willy, taking refuge from all the wrapping paper flying around

The aftermath!

And, later that night, Keira got her first piano "lesson" from Aunt Laura
(the first of many more to come, hopefully!)
(the first of many more to come, hopefully!)

A couple days after Christmas, we spent the afternoon at the snow!
This was Keira's first experience in the snow and she wasn't too fond of the puffy outfit!
This was Keira's first experience in the snow and she wasn't too fond of the puffy outfit!

Lunch time!


Sledding with Daddy!

And Mommy too!

Nana Sheila flying down the mountain!!

These are the kind of picture's Noah's fancy camera can take at 8 frames a second.
Is that a look of sheer terror or bliss?!
Is that a look of sheer terror or bliss?!

Jonathan catching some air!

Noah dominating the hill!

Me, hoping I don't crash into a tree!

Resting with Nana after all the fun!
The beautiful scenery

Keira all snug and cozy after changing clothes and heading home in the warm car

That's our Christmas break in a nutshell!
We were so blessed to spend time with our family and friends!
Merry Christmas!
We were so blessed to spend time with our family and friends!
Merry Christmas!
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