Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Father's Day

For the past few months, Noah has been busy with his latest grad class (along with working full time!); however, the pace really picked up toward the end of the quarter when he was working on his final project (the first couple weeks in June). Keira and I were so excited when he finished his class right before her birthday party--she finally had her Daddy back and I had my hubby back! The best part is that he has the summer off from school, so we're looking forward to lots of family time together!

For Father's Day, we enoyed having him all to ourselves to celebrate the awesome Dad that he is!! We started off the morning with a special request for french toast, sausage, and eggs before heading off to church. Then, after Keira's nap, we enjoyed a full day of fun! The pictures below tell the rest of the story...

Opening presents!

Ceramic imprint of Keira's hand and foot

Photo book of Keira and Daddy

After presents, it was off to the Birch Aquarium!

Later that evening, we met up with my extended family who were in town to celebrate my cousin's graduation. Can you guess where we ate dinner??

The graduate!
Congrats, Ashley, on earning your Master's Degree!