I've thought of a few more commonly heard phrases of Keira's and I want to get them in print before I forget!
"Know what that is, Mommy?"--This is actually the first question she started asking and the phrase that inspired me to do the first blog post documenting her phrases a few weeks ago. Of course, when I sat down to write that post, I forgot this phrase! There's no way to fully document the cuteness of this phrase in words though, but just imagine her running all the words together and you'll get the idea!
"Waaay too much!"--She says this a lot now in different contexts, but she originally started repeating it after she had fed Jack and filled his bowl too full. I said, "Oh, that's way too much!" and now it's a regular part of her vocabulary!
"Hear a noisy sound"--She says this all the time now whenever she hears any type of "noisy" or "unusual" sound.
"Listen music" or "Dancing music"--She LOVES music and dancing, so this is a common phrase in the house!
"Mommy, hold you Jack"--Translation: "Mommy, I want you to hold Jack (so I can pet him!)." If I am not holding Jack, he will just run away when she tries to pet him. This phrase is cute because it shows how she mixes up the pronouns.
Something else I've noticed recently is that her pronunciation of words is getting better, which is good, but it means we're losing the cute baby talk. Some examples are...she used to say "Ee me, Mommy" when she was trying to get by me and I was in the way, but now she says, "Excuse me, Mommy." She also used to say "Ese," although I'm not really sure how to spell it to get the cuteness across, but now she can say the full word: suitcase. My favorite though is her word for banana: "namnee" and I am very happy that she still says it in her unique and cute way!
Notice the magnadoodle drawing--what does that look like to you?
An apple of course!
At friend school a couple weeks ago, she learned all about apples. Then, a few days ago, she drew this and said, "Apple!" Then she said, "Apple stem!"
She is so proud!

And finally, a few videos! Hopefully these are in the correct order! The videos show her "reading" the Maisy book from memory (similar to the one I posted on FB).
It is fun to watch her grow and change, but a little sad that she is growing up so fast!!
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