After about 8 hours of traveling, we made it to Kauai! Keira did so awesome with the long flight (5.5 hrs) and the short flight (less than 1 hr from Oahu to Kauai)! She did not nap the entire day and was completely delirious and exhausted, but nevertheless, she did great and we were all happy to arrive safe and sound!
On board the first flight!
Ready to go!!
Ready to go!!

Snacks always help pass the time!

Spending quality airplane time with Nana and Uncle

Having fun with Mommy!

Whoa, that is a big sandwich!
Thank you, Hawaiian Airlines!
Thank you, Hawaiian Airlines!

Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Keira and Aunt Laura reading, coloring, and snuggling on the airplane. I was too busy taking advantage of the break and I quickly took a nap!
Here's a quick shot of the resort.

On our first full day of exploring, we went inland to Waimea Canyon.
It's nicknamed the Grand Canyon of the Pacific--amazing!

Overlooking the Napali Coast

More Napali Coast
(extremely rugged mountains!)
(extremely rugged mountains!)

Back at the resort, we took a dip in the pool...

...and the spa!

This is just a very tiny sampling of the few pictures I've taken on my point-and-shoot camera. Noah has taken MANY more pics on his camera, but they aren't available yet for posting. More to come later!
We love and miss all our friends and family back on the mainland!
We love and miss all our friends and family back on the mainland!
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