Our week on the Garden Island of Kauai has come to an end and we are now back home. The trip was wonderful, to say the least! Noah is still going through the MANY pictures we have from the week, but for now, here are a some highlights...

Noah and Allison, Preschooler Keira, and our dog, Jack...in San Diego...this is our life. Check back often to keep up with the view from here!
Our week on the Garden Island of Kauai has come to an end and we are now back home. The trip was wonderful, to say the least! Noah is still going through the MANY pictures we have from the week, but for now, here are a some highlights...
Posted by allisonwardrip at 10:14 PM 0 comments
After about 8 hours of traveling, we made it to Kauai! Keira did so awesome with the long flight (5.5 hrs) and the short flight (less than 1 hr from Oahu to Kauai)! She did not nap the entire day and was completely delirious and exhausted, but nevertheless, she did great and we were all happy to arrive safe and sound!
Posted by allisonwardrip at 11:36 PM 0 comments
It has been a long, long time since I last washed my car. I'm sure Noah has washed it for me at some point in the last couple years (!), but I'm pretty sure I haven't washed it myself since before Keira was born (gasp!). (We don't ever go get it washed because we're too cheap, or maybe I should say "frugal"). :)
Well, I was recently inspired to wash my car and have Keira help after reading a friend's blog and seeing how much fun her two-year-old son had helping her. I've been a little concerned about the position of my car while washing it (out in the common driveway where our neighbors come and go) and didn't want to risk Keira being out in the driveway.
Nevertheless, we took the plunge this afternoon and had so much fun washing the car!!!!
Posted by allisonwardrip at 11:08 PM 1 comments
Our life is very full of so many wonderful things: family, friends, church, exploring the many fun things around this great city we live in, and the list could go on! Although our life seems overly busy at times (and therefore somewhat stressful), I find myself continuously thanking God for the abundant life we have and for the privilege it is to stay home with Keira and explore life with her on a daily basis. These are a few of the fun things we love about San Diego...
Posted by allisonwardrip at 1:32 PM 0 comments
It has been 8 months now since I last posted! 8 months!! Where has the time gone?! Well, I basically thought I had given up blogging altogether, but then I recently had a change of heart.
Mainly, I find it very time-consuming to go through pictures, find ones I want to post, and write captions/stories as commentary; however, it finally dawned on me, that all that effort is not in vain! There are great websites like http://blog2print.sharedbook.com/blogworld/printmyblog/index.html where the electronic blog can be converted into print form and be treasured forever (as opposed to remaining in the abyss of the World Wide Web!)! I am highly motivated by having something tangible to hold and look at (and show Keira), thus, here I am again attempting to capture the essence of our lives on this blog, both to share with you our dear family and friends, but also as a record for ourselves! A friend who regularly posts to his family blog also pointed out that the great stories that end up on the blog will have otherwise been forgotten. Just one more reason why I WANT to invest my time in recording the events of our lives!
So, as it goes in life, when one new thing is added to one's plate, something else usually must be sacrificed. In this case, for me it will be Facebook. I don't have anything against Facebook and I actually enjoy it a lot and find it helpful to stay in touch with lots of family and friends. However, it is easy to spend 20-, 30-, and even 60-minutes at a time on FB and then not have much to show for it afterward. So, instead I am choosing to spend my time updating the blog. I still plan to stay in touch through FB to some extent and will not delete my account; however, I will not keep up much regular activity there anymore.
Well, that's the plan for now anyway!! Thanks for sharing the journey with us!
P.S. Here is a recent picture of Keira enjoying all things summer: sun, swimming, friends, etc!
Posted by allisonwardrip at 2:57 PM 3 comments