We are officially spoiled with the great resort we're staying at for the week! Back when we bought our timeshare week in 2004, we often wondered, "should we have done that?!" But, then when we have opportunities like this to stay at great places like Marriott's Grande Vista, then we think, "well, I guess it was worth it!"
Here's why:
Keira has her own room!
Not bad, huh?
Not bad, huh?

Dining room & full kitchen (= not having to eat out for every meal!)

Living room

Our room

Night view of the lake from our balcony

Watch out!

We're staying in the right-hand building

Keira enjoying the kid's play area!

Toddler time in the play room

Building with Daddy!

She made a friend and did such a great job sharing the blocks!

More night shots of the lake and fountain

Well, there's a quick tour of our resort! It's quite extravagent for our little family, but oh so fun!!
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