Since it has been raining here all week, we've spent most of our time at home. It's not easy to entertain a 7-month-old indoors all day for several days in a row. So, what do you do when you've played with every last toy in the house, multiple times, for several days in a row? Play with the laundry!
Laundry--how fun!

Are you sure this is okay, Mom?

Inside the basket?? Even better!!
She actually stood up once by herself when I put her in!

Last week, the weather was gorgeous (and warm!) so we went outside several times. At the park, Keira got to try the swing for the first time!
This is fun!

Well, I'm not so sure about this...

Later in the week, we tried another swing ride and she loved it--can you tell??


Look at her crazy hair blowing in the wind!

And even some arm-chewing action while swinging--this is the life!
Allison, she is too darn cute for words! And I understand about being cooped up with a baby! Charlie has been going stir crazy since Christmas. I think we have had about 4 nice days since then!!! Good luck at keeping her entertained :)
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