Our good friends, Mark and April Short (along with their 2 young boys), are on an awesome journey toward adopting a little boy from Ethiopia. A while back (almost 2 years ago), God stirred their hearts toward adoption and they began the long process. As they've been on this journey, God has continued to deepen their love for their Ethiopian son (who they do not yet know, but are currently waiting for his referral), and God has given them a heart for orphans in general. As a result, they want to get the word out about their story and they want YOU to join them in their journey! To learn more, please visit the Shorts' blog page at: http://shortstoriestn.blogspot.com/
On their page, you will be able to read their story and also make a $5 donation toward their journey. Please visit their website and join me in helping to give an orphan boy a forever family!
P.S. Enjoy the pictures below!

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