...you take umpteen pictures of your first outing to a restaurant! Okay, so this event may not seem monumental to some, but it was fun for us and definitely worth capturing in pictures!
When we first arrived at Chevy's.
She had this look on her face the whole time: wide-eyed and curious.
Enthralled with all the sights.
Just chillin' in the booth 
Forget my toys, I want to play with table (of course, all we're thinking is "eww, germs!").

Forget my toys, I want to play with table (of course, all we're thinking is "eww, germs!").
Here are more recent pics:
Keira's latest interest is her toes!
First time in the exersaucer--not so sure about this!
Hey, this isn't so bad!
First time in her new booster seat--what a big girl!
We introduced her to Baby Einstein DVDs; here she is checking it out...
And this is what she thought of Baby Einstein...
And, finally, a video! Yes, I am a little slow, but finally realized I can add videos to the blog! Of course, whenever I break out the camera, Keira stops her antics and just stares at the camera. Noah captured this one...the angle is a bit weird because I had placed her on her belly, but then she quickly rolled over to her back. So, I am trying to coax her back onto her belly to get her toys. She didn't budge, but thought the whole process was quite funny:
I love the laughing! Keira is growing so quickly, I can't believe she is 4 months already! I'm glad that you had a good first outing at a restaurant, that's very exciting!
I can't believe she is so old already! What a fun stage. Restaurant outings sure change when you have kids, don't they.
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