Our little girl is continuing to grow and this week we've experienced some exciting milestones. First off, she started sleeping in her crib in her bedroom. Let me just say that this change came more abruptly than I would have liked and we made the move more out of necessity than anything else. Up to this point, Keira has been sleeping in her bassinet next to our bed, and although she was getting close to the 15 pound limit (she's about 12 pounds now), I wasn't quite ready to move her out of our room yet. However, Noah unfortunately came down with the flu; therefore, the doctor's orders were that he stay away from Keira and I. So, she made the move to her room and I have been sleeping in the guest bedroom. Thankfully, Noah seems to be getting better and Keira and I are still healthy and feeling good.
Okay, back to the crib...so the first night, Keira did great. Except for waking up to eat about an hour after I had put her down, she slept for 7 hours straight! Since then though, the last 2 nights have been a bit more challenging. It seems that she's having a hard time falling into a deep sleep/staying asleep once I put her down because she keeps waking up. We'll keep working on it though!
The look on her face says, "What?! You mean you want me to sleep in here by myself?!"
"Okay, Mom. I'm a big girl; I can do it!"

Another big milestone occurred this afternoon when Keira rolled over for the first time! Of course, I missed the actual roll because I was (where else) at the computer. But when I turned around, I found her like this:

Shortly after this picture, I moved her closer to the middle of the play mat and she proceeded to roll herself back onto her back. She's a busy girl!!