At the end of March, Noah and I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to Virginia for a week's vacation. We basically spent the whole week on a historical tour of the state, becoming much more acquainted with the founding of our nation. It was an interesting, eye-opening, fun-filled week together. Enjoy the pictures below...

More reinactments in Colonial Williamsburg

Civil War Museum, hanging out with Honest Abe

Capital Building at Colonial Williamsburg

A guy on the bus demanded our camera so he could take a picture of us.

Chowning's Tavern where we ate lunch

Courthouse, Colonial Williamsburg

Noah serving his punishment

Serving my punishment (this was not fun despite the smile on my face).
Noah and Captain John Smith at Jamestown
Me-in-Pocahontas at Jamestown

At Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's house
Shenandoah Valley
Shenandoah Valley
At Mt. Vernon, George Washington's house

The sign says it all...