...is my two front teeth! Thankfully, Keira's two bottom teeth have broken through (last week seemed to be pretty rough for her in the teething department). I recently captured the videos below, which give a good picture of what she's been going through. In the first video, listen carefully for the squeaky sound her gums are making on the rubber ball--it had me cracking up!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Jenny Jump-Up!
Dear Great Aunt Sue H,
Thank you for my Jenny Jump-Up! It is so much fun!!
Keira xoxo
Posted by allisonwardrip at 10:30 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Time to Eat!
Keira reached another big milestone in her young life today--solid food! She will be 6-months-old on Tuesday (6/15), so we decided to finally take the plunge and introduce her to solids. She has actually been trying to lunge toward our food since she was about 4-months-old, but we've been holding her off, mostly just to give her little tummy more time to develop in preparation to receive solid foods.
Keira's first solid meal--rice cereal! We were super excited to give her the rice cereal, but once she started eating it, she kind of had a blank look on her face like, "This is what I've been waiting for??" We'll keep going with the rice cereal, and then next up on the menu: avocado! We'll see how she likes it!
Enjoy the pics below:
Here's some video of her eating...this is the second round of introducing the rice cereal (Noah recorded the very first bites on his fancy new camera that records in HD and the footage doesn't easily transfer to the blog).
She was definitely willing to open her mouth for the spoon, but once the cereal got in her mouth, she wasn't quite sure what to do. She didn't actively try to spit it out, but she would move her tongue around and inevitably, the blob of cereal would fall out of her mouth. :)
The second big milestone of the day was introducing Keira to her first "sippy cup." One of the things I was doing to tide her over during mealtimes while she sat at the table with us in her booster chair (besides give her toys) was giving her sips of water from an open cup. She didn't really know how to drink the water (although she tried!) and would sometimes try to breathe it in, which resulted in lots of coughing and sputtering. Thankfully, the sippy cup will eliminate this problem and she can begin to drink water like a big girl!
Such a big girl!
Posted by allisonwardrip at 10:45 PM 0 comments
The Most Wonderful Time of Year
We have had so much fun preparing for Christmas and sharing the festivities with Keira!

Posted by allisonwardrip at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!
The house looks so festive now!
(it was getting dark by this time)
Posted by allisonwardrip at 5:02 PM 0 comments
More Celebrations
Thanksgiving weekend was filled with lots of things to celebrate and because we had both of our families here, we took full advantage!! A very special celebration we had was Keira's dedication at our church. By dedicating Keira to the Lord, we made a public proclamation in front of the church, symbolizing our desire to raise her in a godly home. Then Pastor Joe prayed that Keira would come to know Jesus as her personal Savior at an early age. Please, Lord, let it be so!
Another celebration we had was a 30th birthday party for Noah and I. We had a good number of RSVPs considering it was Thanksgiving weekend; however, the day of the party, San Diego decided to have a significant downpour throughout the morning/afternoon. This seemed to put a damper on the party because we had to move indoors (not as fun as being outside, especially for the kids to romp around), and not as many people showed up. Nevertheless, we did enjoy spending time with our friends and family who braved the elements to celebrate with us!
Posted by allisonwardrip at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Gobble, Gobble
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with both of our families here to celebrate with us! This was the first year we hosted Thanksgiving at our house and everything turned out really well! At first. I was a little intimidated about cooking the turkey, but it actually wasn't hard at all and it turned out really yummy (thanks to our pastor's wife, Tricia, who shared her recipe with us!).
(This aided in its yummy-ness!)
We didn't get a picture of all of us at the dinner table because we were too busy gobbling up the yummy food!
Posted by allisonwardrip at 5:28 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
One Less Orphan
Our good friends, Mark and April Short (along with their 2 young boys), are on an awesome journey toward adopting a little boy from Ethiopia. A while back (almost 2 years ago), God stirred their hearts toward adoption and they began the long process. As they've been on this journey, God has continued to deepen their love for their Ethiopian son (who they do not yet know, but are currently waiting for his referral), and God has given them a heart for orphans in general. As a result, they want to get the word out about their story and they want YOU to join them in their journey! To learn more, please visit the Shorts' blog page at: http://shortstoriestn.blogspot.com/
On their page, you will be able to read their story and also make a $5 donation toward their journey. Please visit their website and join me in helping to give an orphan boy a forever family!
P.S. Enjoy the pictures below!

Posted by allisonwardrip at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Butano Canyon
Back at the end of October, we got to spend a fun weekend with Noah's family on the coast near the Bay Area. Noah's mom is part owner of a cabin/house called "Woodhaven" that is shared among a few other family members. Woodhaven was built by Noah's great-grandpa, sometime in the 1940s and ownership of the house has stayed within the family ever since. The house is nestled in a beautiful canyon filled with redwood trees, located near Butano State Park, between Half-Moon Bay and Santa Cruz (the house is marked by the red "A" on the map below). It is a favorite family getaway and we had so much fun taking Keira there for the first time!

Here we are at the airport, getting ready for Keira's first flight. We actually missed our plane, but thankfully they had open seats on the next plane bound for Oakland. Keira had fun looking at all the people in the airport.
Hey, what is this thing? I wonder if I can put it in my mouth?
This is the first morning at Butano. She looks a little shell-shocked in the picture, but she actually had a lot of fun discovering the new toys that Grandma Sheila brought.
Fun with Uncle Jonathan
Fun with Grandma
There's a big swing on the property that's always a fun activity. Here I am getting ready to swing.
And here is Noah swinging through the redwoods
Another fun activity is hiking to the nearby waterfall. Keira is ready for the hike! This was the first time she got to ride in her stroller facing out, rather than facing toward us while sitting in the car seat. Can you see how excited she is?!
Happy girl in the stroller
Posted by allisonwardrip at 6:04 PM 1 comments