Wednesday, November 24, 2010


The concept of Santa isn't something we're going to focus on too much at our house; however, the classic "kid-sitting-on-Santa's-knee photo" is a must-have during the Christmas season! (Sadly) it's even more classic if the kid in the photo is crying!

Thankfully, we didn't have to venture to the mall and pay money for said photo. Instead, we got the chance to take a free photo with Santa. Free is good because when I attempted to place Keira on Santa's lap, she let out a high pitched scream and clung on to me for dear life! Then, Santa promptly got up and fled the scene. The experienced photographer had me sit down in Santa's chair while she distracted Keira, who was none too happy with the photo with Santa idea. After Keira was significantly distracted, Santa eased his way back in to the picture!

Phew! What an experience! Don't think we'll be doing that again!!