It has been a while since I last posted on here and much has happened in the last couple months. Of course, the biggest news is that we're expecting a baby next summer! We are super excited, although the dramatic life change that is approaching still seems a bit surreal. :)
At this point, I am about 14 weeks along in my pregnancy. I have been feeling good the last couple of weeks; my energy is back up and I am able to eat more than I did during the first trimester. When I first found out I was pregnant, I seemed to be feeling good, but then at about 6 weeks, I started to feel nauseous. Basically, I couldn't eat much because nothing ever sounded good; however, I was hungry, but instead of feeling normal hunger sensations, I automatically felt nauseous. Overall, it was not fun, but it was mostly bearable and I was able to continue working without too much difficulty. Thankfully, I am now feeling like my usual self. :)
So far, the pregnancy seems to be moving along well. I got to have an ultrasound at my first doctor appointment and we got to see the baby's heart beating on the screen--so amazing (see ultrasound picture below). I just had my second doctor appointment last week and this time we got to hear the baby's heart beating! WOW!
Obviously, this is a very exciting time! We're amazed and in awe at this process of pregnancy and we are looking forward to entering the realm of parenthood (with some fear and trembling mixed in!). Thanks to all of our friends and family who've expressed so much love and support during this exciting time! We will keep you posted on this journey!

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